How merchants use PickyStory

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Popular use cases

Fixed bundle

Sell a fixed bundle of single products grouped together

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Mix & match

Offer customers to mix & match products from a list of products 

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Offer customers to buy more to save more with volume discounts

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Create a buy one get one free offer on single products in your store

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Fixed bundle

Sell a fixed bundle with a free gift

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Fixed bundle

Run a clearance campaign with a collection of bundles

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Fixed bundle

Sell fixed bundles of fast and slow products to clear stock

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Fixed bundle

Offer complementary products together as a single product

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Offer frequently bought together items on product pages

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Fixed bundle

Offer to bundle & save with a button under single product ATCs

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Fixed bundle

Create top selling bundles and promote them as a collection

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Offer customers to purchase single products in quantities

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Upsell additional products when an item is added to cart

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Mix & match

Offer customers to build their own personalized bundle

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Mix & match

Offer to build a bundle with custom field to personalize the bundle

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Mix & match

Offer mix & match bundles as products in collections

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Mix & match

Offer to add products from collection A and B to get a discount

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Fixed bundle

Pre-select product size for all items in a bundle

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Mix & match

Create a full page build your own bundle experience

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Fixed bundle

Sell complete looks as products

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Offer AI based frequently bought together bundles

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Offer customers to complete the bundle based on AI

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